The 2016 reunion of the Rich Family Association was held September 16 & 17 at Portsmouth, NH. The Association came together to share their ancestry, meet new cousins, see old friends and share precious time together. Here are some of the photos taken at the reunion and luncheon. (photos by Liz Beyus, Karen Rich, Guy Rich, Frank Rich Johnson and others)
The whole group gathers for a photo, with VP Arthur freeman Rich III and President Craig R. Rich serving as bookends!Treasurer Terry Latimer checks in the attendeesEarly arrivals help set up and ready the roomDNA assistant Richard Rich and Vice President Arthur Freeman Rich III are ready to help members discover their Rich roots!Ready for lunch and eager to share genealogy info!The room begins to fill!Cousins compare genealogy notes
Ellie Mish is in charge of the Rich Raffle again, carrying on a strong family tradition!Raffle items begin to gain attentionRenewing acquaintances after a year!Eileen Fales organizes the raffle items while Chuck Rich takes a look at the prizesThe Rich Raffle continues to grow with awesome items up for grabsmore raffle items!Austin and Zell Rich won the wooden shoe in the Rich raffle!Young and old alike compare family trees and historiesMore prizes arrived which means more raffle tickets!Sandra Gilley staffs the art Auction table.RFA President Craig Rich with Chuck and Evelyn Rick of KentuckyGuy Rich, Betsey Patterson and Eileen Fales pose for a photoRFA members enjoy a tour of historic sites around Portsmouth, NH
Francis, Guy and Mary pose for a photo!Frank and Mary Johnson tour the site of historic Rich family settlementsThe RFA tour group gathers riverside to discover the origins of Richard Rich of Piscataqua and Dover Point, NH.The beautiful area that first attracted Richard Rich here in the 1660s.Frank Rich Johnson, telling tales (mostly true!).