Genealogy Resources and Links

 Will We Do Individual Research?

The Rich Family Association was not established to perform original or individual genealogical research, but will publish family lines in the newsletter Kinfolk.

Many RFA members have extensive family genealogies which are not yet available digitally and there are members who do not use the Internet, so a ‘snail mail’ query to be printed in the RFA Newsletter, Kinfolk, may prove helpful. Write to: Kinfolk c/o the Editor, Liz beyus, PO Box 142, Wellfleet, MA 02667. Be sure to include your name, email address, street address and phone number.

You may also post your query to the Rich Family listserv — The official Rich Genealogy Forum (not affiliated with the RFA). To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: with the word “subscribe” as the only word in the body of the message. You will begin seeing queries from other list members in your e-mail box. To post your own message, ask a question, or answer a query, send an email to To “unsubscribe”, just send an e-mail message to: with the word “unsubscribe” as the only word in the body of the message.

We are happy to provide the following research and links to others’ research to assist you with your genealogical quest.

Rich Family Burials in New York By Arthur Rich (Rich of Maine):

Sorted by Cemetery name
Sorted by First Name
Sorted by County Name

Helpful websites:

Ancestry’s free templates and charts page

Cyndi’s List of Genealogical Resources
A very comprehensive site with hundreds of genealogical resources.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons)
The Mormon’s huge database is accessible on-line.

Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)

Sons of the American Revolution

General Society of Mayflower Descendants
THE place to start if you think you have Mayflower roots.

New England Historic Genealogical Society
The New England Historic Genealogical Association in Boston, Massachusetts has a large library of information and research material on early New England families as well as families from other parts of the country.

The mother lode for genealogists!

U. S. Census Bureau

Steve Rich website (William Rich & Keziah Hampton Rich)

 Descendants of Jacob Rich” is a web page by Jeanne Walsh detailing seven generations of her RICH ancestry, originally researched by Golda Peckham Suttie.

Gail Rich Nestor’s page: A Family Tree: From Roots to Buds.  Rich related surnames include:  Rich, Harrell, Powell, Womack, Pierce/Pearce, Clay, Jones, Stone, Fann/Fenn, Bird, Harden, Taliafero, Overstreet, Roe, and Brock.

Craig Rich’s family tree, with eleven generations of Riches in America

Home Page of Stacey Rich

The Earhart/Wallace/Darling/Rich/Severns/Family Home Page

Search through years of archived messages on the Rootsweb Rich mailing list: