Who are we? – The RFA was founded in 1965 and was originally for the families of settlers who arrived on Cape Cod in the 1600s. The association now includes many other Rich lines from all over the world. Although the first gathering of Riches was held on Cape Cod in 1872 (see above photo), the modern organization came together in 1965. Since then, we have held a reunion every fall!
Why Join? – Joining the Rich Family Association has been the fast track for many individuals to trace their historic family roots. Many of our members have done extensive research and are willing to share information. In addition, our DNA project has helped male Riches who believe they have the same ancestor to compare markers and confirm their research and family history.
How to Join – The initial membership fee is $35.00, then dues of $35.00 per year are due on January 1 each year–not dependent on when you sent your initial membership fee. A lifetime membership fee in RFA is $250.00. Membership in the RFA entitles you to receive Kinfolk, the RFA newsletter, which is published four times per year. Membership also opens the door to the scholarship application process for college-age children of members.
Who May Join? – The Rich Family Association accepts membership from anyone with a connection to an ancestor with the surname “Rich” or variations such as Ricci, Richie, Riche, Reich, etc.
Click on link to Apply for membership online by filling out the membership form here.